Team and Business Assessment

Gain insights about your business you never knew where there!

We know what we know, and we know what we don’t know. But we don’t know what we don’t know, and this is where we help you.

Getting a fresh pair of eyes to go through your current business and assess new potential steps and strategies is an enriching and exciting process that will energize you, your team, and the business.

This is an intense session where Bright Business will come to your offices and work with the management team, sales teams, and operation teams to go through the systems, processes, and current strategies to do an in-depth analysis of the current situation.

At the end of this process, which takes about 2 weeks, there will be a full report on the good, the bad, and the ugly from a completely independent view.

This gives the entire team a very clear starting point from where we can start to focus on the next steps.

How it works

This is a 2-week process with our expert and your entire team. There will be group sessions with the different teams, individual and confidential interviews, strategic discussions, and a general deep dive into the company culture. 

At the end of the session, a full report will be presented to the management team with our findings. From there we will discuss and plan the next steps.

Your investment:  $ 6.500 USD (excluding travel and accommodation)

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